You Don’t Need to be a Rocket Scientist to Understand This — The secret forces that guide your parenting

It’s a perpetual work.

Parenting is a task, a 24/7, 365 days (366 leap year), no pay, no overtime, no reward job that drives people insane.

Photo by Emma Bauso on

Children begin influencing us even before they are born: we plan for their arrival and adjust our lives to welcome them. As babies, they direct our sleep and, as a side effect, our moods. We know for instance that parents of irritable babies are more stressed, sleep less and may even think they are parenting badly. In a vicious cycle, stress and lack of sleep can then contribute to an increased risk of parental depression and anxiety.

The secret forces that guide your parenting — BBC
続きを読む: You Don’t Need to be a Rocket Scientist to Understand This — The secret forces that guide your parenting